Your long drive is what she needs. 

  Earlier in the week, I received a WhatsApp video message from a very dear friend I call the Giant. The content of the message informed the piece you will be reading today. It was a reaction to an earlier clip I’d seen before by one of Nigeria’s comedians. He had been comparing his wife back in the village with the tush ladies he saw while visiting the city.
Turning the table on the men, the lady in the update video highlighted some of the things she believes women want from men and how they should go about wooing women. Indeed, many men often wonder why the guy next door has all the girls swooning and even fighting to give him a piece of the action, while they are getting none? Well, perhaps there are a few things you are not doing right. Getting snug with your girl may not be all that difficult if you follow the few tips I’ve marked out below;
Cultivate a good personal hygiene
If any relationship is going to take place, the first probable contact is eye contact. The general perception that only men get turned on by what they see is not totally true. Women too are attracted to what they see. If a man wants to win the attention of a woman, there is need for him to focus on his appearance. Personal hygiene and mode of dressing are very important in turning a woman on and getting her under the sheets with you. Pay attention to yourself.
Women love men with good physique same way men love women with great curves. Though you don’t need to cultivate a six pack, but a good exercise regimen will keep you in good shape. Remember that a perfect body shape or height is not what is important here, but how healthy and well kept you appear. Wear clean, smart clothes.
This does not mean that you must wear a suit at all times. Wear clothes that fit and you are comfortable in. Well groomed hair is a must. To up your game, you may create your own signature hair style at the Barber’s. If you’ve had a long day, spare time to shower as nothing attracts a woman more than good smell. Choose a masculine, yet not too loud fragrance that meshes with your natural scent. Never put your cologne on too heavy, apply it on the sensitive parts of your body such as behind the neck and the ears. It makes the smell more nice and even.
A sense of humour will earn you points
While the importance of communication cannot be over emphasised as a recipe for a good relationship, a man must learn to use the right words at the appropriate times if he wants to get the desired effect. Learn to make good, intelligent conversations. Women love a man who knows about the world and its affairs, and is sharp. So, you need to read wide and be abreast with current issues. To be a good lover, you need to also be a good listener.
Reviewed by TEEGEN2 on November 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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