If You See Any Of These Signs And Symptoms, Please Run To The Doctor For HIV Testing.
Consider the possibility that I revealed to you that early HIV side effects really feel more like a typical chill than anything else? During the initial couple of weeks after contamination (a phase known as intense HIV disease or intense retroviral disorder), a few people see things like fever, pains, and sore throat. Be that as it may, after intense contamination, patients move into the clinical latency stage, or endless HIV, which is to a great extent side effect free.
A boost: HIV (a.k.a. human immunodeficiency virus) is an incurable infection that assaults your body’s immune framework. It very well may be gotten through organic liquids like semen, blood, and breast milk; however, not through salivation. With regards to HIV prevention, the CDC prescribes utilizing condoms or perhaps investigating new drugs like pre-presentation prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-introduction prophylaxis(PEP), which is expected to keep the transmission of HIV from happening. While there is no solution for the illness, most HIV patients can at present live long, sound lives on account of antiretroviral therapy (ART) medications. Be that as it may, left untreated, HIV can advance to (AIDS), which can make you significantly more powerless to serious ailments and in the long run lead to death.
The best way to truly know whether you have HIV is to get tried (which you ought to do in any event once per year in case you’re explicitly dynamic and have unprotected sex). There are two alternatives for unknown and confidential home testing, yet you have to ensure your tests are FDA-affirmed and know that outcomes are not constantly exact (and may require a subsequent test if positive). Since early identification of HIV can drag out your life expectancy and diminish your transmission rates, it’s essential to know about the potential side effects (and also the way that, as a rule, there are no indications).
Here’s what you need to know about HIV symptoms in women:
You have a fever and chills.
You’re always waking up with night sweats.
You’re breaking out in a rash.
Your throat is so sore.
You feel sleepy and achy all over.
Your neck—and armpits, and groin—are swollen.
You have a yeast infection.
You have a canker sore.
You start losing weight unexpectedly.
You actually get diagnosed with meningitis.
Your stomach feels off.
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